Monday, July 22, 2013


It's a sickening thing when abuse occurs to anyone, in any way. In my opinion, it is slightly more heinous when a Midwife or OB gets verbally abusive, and/or manipulative with a laboring woman. And since I'm a home birther, I'll speak particularly of abuse by Midwife.

Manipulation, coercion, and abuse is not isolated to hospital births. Unfortunately, there are Midwives who make birth a business, and end up treating clients as such. They push and manipulate in order to achieve what they want. Then, they justify.

A Midwife sticks her hand in her client's vagina while she's having a contraction. Client says no. Midwife says sorry, and backs off. Next contraction, Midwife does it again. Client says no again, adding a kick to the Midwife's hand.

Guess what? That's sexual assault. Client said no to vaginal penetration, Midwife did it again anyway.

There's no two ways about it. It doesn't matter if the Midwife felt it necessary, the woman said NO. Clearly, without any ifs, ands, or buts. And the Midwife may say, "I need to do this because...". Manipulation. In a situation which intervention is clearly needed, a woman is not likely to say no, because she understands intuitively that intervention is necessary. Thankfully, this only happens rarely. A woman knows when it's not necessary, but this type of assertive, abusive behavior confuses the woman who is feeling her intuition, but having authority contradict intuition.

The description of how an abuser operates:

Covert abusers are the worst and the hardest to confront. They do their abusing and controlling in a hidden, manipulative, secretive way. They say one thing with their mouth and appear to be loving and kind, but their actions are controlling...


They are in control of their actions, not out-of-control. They do not harm everyone they meet. They are very careful to abuse people they feel confident they can get away with harming. 


 They blame others for their behavior. “The abuser shifts responsibility for his actions away from himself and onto others, a shift that allows him to justify his abuse because the other person supposedly "caused" his behavior.”

The justification and shifting responsibility are particularly important in the operation of an abuser. To say it was necessary because you weren't progressing in labor, to say that it was necessary because you said you wanted to avoid a cesarean, to say it was necessary because you didn't want to tear...these all play into the deep emotions that are present at birth. And in heavy labor, rarely is a woman going to argue with these justifications. My "favorite" one that I just heard:

I am not responsible for a woman being unhappy or traumatized with her birth. If she didn't like what was going on, she should have said something.

Yep. Except often either women DO say something, and are ignored or coerced by justification, or they are too ingrained in the belief that a Midwife is the authority figure, and must know what she's doing. This is still abuse and victim blaming.

I have been abused. Emotionally and verbally. By both parents, and doctors. It's not okay, in any situation. But when it happens in your home by a care provider whom you hired because you thought she would help you lovingly through a deeply spiritual and intimate moment in your's nothing less than heinous.



Thursday, July 18, 2013

Entitlement and Birth as a Business

Today on a birth forum that I am a member of, there was an article posted about why Doulas in training (aka, totally inexperienced with actually attending/supporting women) should NOT attend births for free.

You deserve an abundant life so that you have more to offer. Your playing small serves no one. It sends the message that you are unworthy, and that what you have to give is of no value. None – as in, less than a Happy Meal toy. This is not the message befitting of the services we provide.

Ah yes. Even though you have zero practical experience to offer a woman in labor, you deserve an abundant life. YOU DESERVE. Not, "The laboring and birthing woman deserves to have a humble, experienced support person before she pays for one."

Is birth valued so little? What about the very fact that the birthing woman is providing much more to the inexperienced doula, than the inexperienced doula is providing to the birthing woman? Ah, apparently some people over on this forum don't believe this. Doulas, even completely inexperienced ones, have the RIGHT to be paid. After all, gas and childcare are not free.

Except, that's not the problem of the birthing woman. Here's where I'm really going to get opinionated:


Chances are, if you are complaining about the cost of gas and childcare in the timeframe in which you are going to be honored with the privilege of serving women in are likely going to see being a Doula as a business. And many do make it about that. I have seen Doulas charge nearly as much as Midwives. And I am blown away every. Single. Time.

When you are in school, learning your field, you pay the school...the school does not pay you simply because you have gas, childcare, textbook, and supply costs. YOU ARE LEARNING something valuable, that you can offer to the world once you know what you're doing.

As a whole, our culture has lost so much when it comes to the fact that birth is sacred. And I will be honest and say that I abhor the modern Doula. The modern Doula seems to be doing it for one thing, and one thing only: A cool new business venture. I have seen doulas ask for a backup because they're going away for a few days when they have a client who's due. Where the HELL is the fact that the birthing mother hired *them*? Why is there such a lack of acknowledgement that a mother being comfortable with who is in her birthing space is supposed to be absolute priority?!

Birth is not a business. You don't get paid while you learn. And once you do, if it is truly a calling and not a business, you will charge only what is needed and fair, and you will still make exceptions when you can, for families who need it. Don't ever expect to become wealthy from a position that literally means SERVANT.

Again, just my opinion. And not a very popular one, I realize.